mandag den 22. april 2019

Unpainted: Fire Giant - Blood Rage

The unpainted version of the fire giant model from Blood Rage! I will post the painted version on Friday.

fredag den 19. april 2019

(Repost) Frost Giant - Blood Rage

I've begun taking new pictures of all my painted miniatures, so I'm reposting the stuff I've already posted as well as uploading images of older and newer paintjobs.

mandag den 15. april 2019

Unpainted Free People - Lord of the Rings

Pictures of all my miniatures from the Free People in the Lord of the Rings miniatures game by Games Workshop. Like the Forces of Darkness I posted last week I got these shortly after the original release of the first Peter Jackson movie. For some of the heroes (Aragorn and the hobbits) I have two different sculpts.










High Elves with two-handed swords

High Elves with bows

Men of Gondor with swords and shields

Men of Gondor with bows

fredag den 12. april 2019

Eberk, Cleric of Moradin - D&D 3.5 Miniatures

This is a miniature of a dwarf cleric from a set of D&D miniatures released in the early 2000s. Apparently he was named Eberk. I'm not super happy with the paintjob.

In fact I added the hair to the miniature myself as I did not care for the original headgear on the miniature. That headgear is somewhat hard to see from the picture on this website, but have a look if you're interested:

mandag den 8. april 2019

Unpainted: Forces of Darkness - Lord of the Rings

When the Lord of the Rings movies first released Games Workshop also released a miniatures game as a tie-in. Being a huge Lord of the Rings fan I was gifted the starting set and a few other boxes of miniatures for the game. Sadly, I never got around to paint any of them (except for one elf and one man)... maybe eventually?

In this post I share pictures of all the unpainted Forces of Darkness miniatures I own. Except for the cave troll, as it is entirely unassembled.

Saruman the Uncoloured.

Lurtz, well-known from the books.

5 Ringwraiths, the one furthest to the left is the Witch King

3 Uruk-Hai.

Moria Goblins with sword and shield.

Moria Goblins with spears.

Moria Goblins with bows.

fredag den 5. april 2019

Unknown elf miniature

I thought this was a D&D elf miniature, but judging by this website it appears that's mistaken. If you know the origin of the miniature, I would love to know!

I bought and painted this mini maybe 16 years ago as part of a gift to my dad. Hence the not so great quality of the paint job why it looks somewhat worn.

mandag den 1. april 2019

Unpainted: Guillaume La Pelerin the Vagrant Knight - Maelstrom Miniatures

I fell in love with this sculpt years ago and bought it... then never did anything with it. Yet.

I believe Maelstrom Miniatures no longer exist, sadly. At least I am unable to find much information about the miniature now.